quel est l'enregistrement français des bateaux ?

Le mineur "hit and run" impliquer l'yacht (amarré) de mon ami et un navire pendant français. Sachant le nom du bateau, nous voulons dépister le propriétaire et le sien adresse. Quel est le conservateur français des bateaux, ou quoi que? Comment découvrons-nous ces détails - je suis sûr qu'ils sont publics?

20 minutes sur Google nous a laissés frustrés.

(Ceci a été traduit par Google ainsi je suis désolé, mais je ne parle pas français. Cependant je suis sûr que c'est l'endroit que je trouverai la réponse!)

English in case Google's French is worse than mine:
Minor "hit and run" involving my friend's (moored) yacht and a French flagged vessel. Knowing the name of the boat, we want to track down the owner and his address. What is the French registrar of ships, or whatever? How do we find out these details - I'm sure they're public?


20 oct. 2006
20 oct. 2006

F.....g Google !

This is not the best way to translate !

In France, yacht are registered by customs. But I don't think this is the best way to proceed, as they are not allowed (hopefully) to give this kind of details.

You better should call the police in this case, but if it is a minor hit, you even should give up, as it will be a long and boring process.

If you give more détails of what's happened, may be you could get more advice on this web site

20 oct. 2006

Soooo funny!

This translation is simply hilarious! I love it!

I agree with what Freja says above (long & boring process & procedures).
Give us some more specs, then we might be able to help you further.

21 oct. 2006


Hello and thank you for the responses. And you are welcome for the entertainment courtesy of Google translation.

I hope the admin does not detest English as much as some French certainly do. ;-)

The French boat simply had a minor collision against my friend's while docking, it is not too serious but we were thinking we would send the bill for repair to them.

In the US these details are certainly public; the Coast Guard even has them on the internet. By no means all the details, but a contact address.

What is the organization in France responsible for boat registrations? Perhaps we can contact them directly and see what they say.

21 oct. 2006


the administration called "affaires maritimes" in each main harbour, if the french boat as the harbour name or letters following the name:
PV is port vendres
CC is concarneau

21 oct. 2006

in french... but on the web


you can get all adresses of "affaires maritimes".

Good luck !

21 oct. 2006

Coby, just

another thought: u're talking about a minor collision, and damage not too serious, and trying to get the other guy pay the bill.
Even if u succeed in tracking down the owner of the other boat, it's rather probable he won't be willing to pay.
Do u have witnesses who are likely to back up your version of what happened?

I'm afraid u'll end up spending loads of time and energy by pursuing this issue. But u never know!

Keep us posted!
Good luck 2 u

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