un voilier traditionnel démâte au SW des scilly


Nearly 50 people, including 36 teenagers, are in danger south of the Isles of Scilly after their brig was dismasted in Force 9 winds.

The master of the Polish-registered training vessel, Fryderyk Chopin, alerted the MCA at 0803 today after losing one of its two 120ft masts 99 miles south-west of the archipelago.

He said that the 180ft square rigger was in danger of also losing its second mast.

James Instance, Falmouth Coastguard's regional coordination centre manager, said: "There are currently 47 people aboard the training vessel, no injuries have been incurred and the vessel is awaiting tow.

'We are constantly monitoring the situation and staying in touch with the master.'

A container ship, Narissa, responded to calls for assistance. It is sheltering the training vessel and will take the crew on board if they are forced to abandon ship.

It is hoped that the brig can be towed to safety and a Royal Navy rescue helicopter is on standby in the Scillies.


30 oct. 2010
30 oct. 2010

Vous avez dit traditionel?
Qu'est ce que traditionnel?
Le Fryderick Chopin est un voilier polonais en acier de construction récente. Il a fait escale récemment à St Malo et c'est un possède un gréement à phare carré (deux mats)

03 nov. 2010

ces vagues copies d'ancien avec des timoneries affreuses
sont en général tres laids

03 nov. 2010

cela dit je souhaite évidememnt que ça se termine au mieux
pour ce bateau et son équipage

cela va mieux en l'écrivant peut etre meme si cela va sans dire


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