Bravo Archambaut et l'équipage bien sur

22 nov. 2013
22 nov. 201322 nov. 2013

désolé A 35


désolé encore archambault n'a même pas traduit sur son site version Française

Bonjour Gilles, Merci beaucoup for your very nice note, which is thrilling to receive. In fact, this was Mirhtmaker's second Big Boat Series, having participated in the regatta in 2011, to take third place. We were close to winning two years ago, but were protested on sketchy grounds and DSQ'd from one of the races. But this time around, the boat was firing on all cylinders. Here is a more detailed report: Conditions were absolutely perfect for the four day event, sailed under sunny skies and warm, moderate breezes that filled in nicely each afternoon. IRC D division consisted of six closely-matched, extremely well-sailed boats- each highly optimized for IRC racing. The competition included a Sydney 36, a J-120, an Elan 40, an IMX 38 and a First 40.7. Highlighting the rating accuracy of the IRC rule, corrected finish times during the regatta were fantastically close in our division- averaging only 4 minutes between the first boat to finish, and the last. Flawless sailing was the order of each day, as any small mistake would be immediately costly. Over the four day period, each competitor seemed to have its own special moment, when it owned one of the legs or exhibited a burst of exceptional pace. Winds turned light on Saturday, our most difficult day. The boat felt oddly sluggish, and we finished the day with a 3rd and a 4th.This suggested that we needed to take a closer look at the rig. Indeed, the rig had not been dynamically tuned in several months, and it was determined that added rake would be the solution. Rigger and professional sailor (and native of New Caledonia) Roland Brun worked tirelessly throughout the regatta to make sure Mirthmaker was always in top shape. He and the crew worked on the rig after racing, while other competitors hit the beer tent. The margin for error going into the last race was thin. Although on top of the leaderboard, Mirthmaker needed to stay ahead of the surging Sydney 36 Encore, which had come on strong in the later stages of the regatta, and seemed to have all the momentum going into the final race, with the promise of winning a Rolex timepiece. This 18 miles tour of the San Francisco Bay, including a 3 miles leg west of the Golden Gate Bridge and into the Pacific Ocean, was sailed in a pleasant 10-12 knot breeze, and flat water. The extra effort the previous evening paid off: Mirthmaker found a dominant pace, coming across the finish line in front of the St. Francis YC race deck in first place, boat for boat, to the lovely sound of a shotgun blast. How sweet that was! Mirthmaker's Big Boat Series project was headed by prominent local yachtsman and the current commodore of the San Francisco Yacht Club, Tad Lacey, sailing in his 38th consecutive Big Boat Series. Tad steered the boat with a steady, experienced hand, with tactical calls made by another prominent yachtsman and former local sailor, Dee Smith. The rest of the crew was a handpicked group of local all-stars sailors, who- with fantastic teamwork and spirit- were able to get the only A35 in the U.S. to show the full potential and beauty of the design. Acquiring my A35 was an extraordinarily difficult undertaking- demonstrated by the fact (which I find astonishing) that so far, I believe I am the only American sailor to have imported one of these boats into this country; but it was the best thing I have ever done. It has surpassed all my expectations, and I honestly believe I have one of the nicest sailboats of its class, in the country. I wish Archambault every success at the Annapolis Boat Show, and for the future. Gilles- if you find yourself in San Francisco again, it would be an honor and a pleasure to meet you- I would love to buy you a beer at the St. Francis Yacht Club, where we can drink a toast to the nicest line of sailboats in the world! Yours faithfully, Kirk Denebeim


IRC D — Mirthmaker, Tad Lacey's Belvedere-based A35, had three bullets in winning class honors. It may have been the first time in Big Boat Series history that the drivers on two winning boats — Taft and Lacey — had been reported dead by the New York Times. (But that was many years ago in the '79 Fastnet Race). Encore, Wayne Koide's San Anselmo-based Sydney 36, had two bullets in taking second.

22 nov. 2013

dans son récit le proprio dit qu'il s'est battu pour importer le seul A 35 des usa, que ce bateau est fabuleux et qu'il espere que d'autres suivront ....

typiquement français, du talent un super bateau mais il faut le vendre b....l !

22 nov. 2013

Comment occuper ma future retraite ? Mmmmh .... je sens une expatriation, et promouvoir ce genre de truc outre atlantique ou bien outre ailleurs ...

22 nov. 2013

c'est difficile pour un chantier de la taille d'archambault d’avoir une structuration export, c'est déjà assez difficile de concevoir et produire de super bateaux. en schématisant grossièrement ils acceptent de vendre à un américain qui voulait absolument et à n'importe quel prix son nouveau jouet !
il n'y a pas de solution simple, trouver un agent sérieux sur place, y adjoindre un V.I.E par exemple

et le partager avec le chantier du POGO
:famille: :alavotre: :mdr:

22 nov. 2013

J'ai decouvert cette formule il y a qq jours, et, atteint par la limite d'age, l'ai montré à ma fille, pour la suite de ses etudes !

Portland Head Light, Portland, Maine USA

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Portland Head Light, Portland, Maine USA