Sydney Hobart 2024, deux decès

Deux personnes décédées après avoir été frappées par la bôme, accidents sur deux bateaux différents[...]t-race/

26 déc. 2024
26 déc. 2024

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Peace And Love:2 victimes de la bôme sur deux bateaux différents je crois ·le 26 déc. 22:53
Peace And Love:..·le 26 déc. 23:43
26 déc. 2024

Peut être ce lien?[...]4760416
Les accidents mortels causés par la bôme commencent à rejoindre ceux de chute de personne à la mer :(

27 déc. 2024

Plus le MOB, rescapé :[...]4765924

PierMi:Oui, lors d'un "empannage chinois" très prolongé, à court d'air il a été obligé de se déclipser sous l'eau. Récit: "We went down a rather large wave. The boat went into the trough bit the back of the wave in front (which) completely washed the deck,' Watkins told ABC news.'Then we tipped over, what we call a Chinese gybe ... and I got pinned to the ... side of the boat underwater. 'I somehow managed to unclip myself from the boat as I could feel I was on my last breath. 'When I popped up above the water, the boat was probably 200m in front of me.'Mr Jacobs said it was believed Watkins was washed 1.2km away from the boat.Watkins said he activated his emergency position-indicating radio beacon, 'cracked' some glowsticks and turned on a head torch he found in his pocket. After his life jacket automatically inflated, he tried to huddle up and keep warm. 'After about 10 minutes, I could start to feel myself starting to get a bit cold, so I went into to a bit of a survival pose ... kept my elbows in,' he said. 'It was pretty hard to keep yourself above water a lot of the time. 'I swallowed a fair bit of saltwater. Just tried to keep the thoughts under control.'·le 27 déc. 10:53
roberto:À noter la longe avec largage rapide sous charge.·le 27 déc. 11:57
27 déc. 2024

Un article du Monde :[...]42.html

La bôme toujours elle, on ne s’en méfie jamais assez.

Pierre3:Effectivement.·le 27 déc. 12:41
27 déc. 2024

Quart de nuit.
"New South Wales (NSW) police said the first incident was reported to officers just before midnight on Thursday local time (12:50 GMT) by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority in the country's capital, Canberra. Just over two hours later, at 02:15 on Friday, NSW police were told that crew aboard the second boat were giving CPR to the second person, which also had not worked".
(Sources BBC)
@solent: bien d'accord avec toi pour dire de rester méfiant: victimes relativement âgées (55 et 65 ans) donc expérimentées -je suppose que n'importe qui ne participe pas à une SH-.

27 déc. 202427 déc. 2024

Nick Smith, 65 ans (4 SH entre autres à son actif) équipier habituel sur Bowline RSAYS, semble avoir été projeté lors d'un gybe par l'écoute de GV contre un des winches qu'il a heurté de sa tête: "In very difficult sailing conditions, crew member Nick Smith was hit by main sheet in a gybe that threw him against a winch" (sources Daily Mail)

Drogden Fyr, Oresund DK

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  • 4.5 (168)

Drogden Fyr, Oresund DK