Strange boat!

Hi everybody!

Last summer I've see this strange aluminium boat.

Do you know who is the architect?

What do you think about those keels?

What do you think about the curved mast?

Thank you all

the pictures are a little deformed... the boat looks less "heavy" and more "sporty"

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18 juin 2008
18 juin 200816 juin 2020

Could be

META shipyard ?? Joubert Design ??

18 juin 2008

yes !!
may be META by JOUBERT

very good vassal


18 juin 2008

my tailor.... rich. :-)

2013-05-31 - Près de Stokksund (Norvège) Phare Kjeungskjær

Phare du monde

  • 4.5 (167)

2013-05-31 - Près de Stokksund (Norvège) Phare Kjeungskjær