Do you know this boat? Lo conoces?

Sorry for writing in English,but I can´in French!

Do you recognize this boat. She was built in 1972 in France by M. Dufo ? (Dufour say they didnt) it is 8,5 x 3 m, wooden hull with a fiber layer on top. Seems to be a regata design.
Was imported in 1995 fron La Rochelle? to Bilbao.
See pictures attached.
Thanks in advance.



16 jan. 2004
16 jan. 200416 juin 2020

Do you recognize this boat? Lo reconoces?
A better picture.

16 jan. 2004

Some links
May be it is this boat :[...]e69.htm

But I'm not shure.

16 jan. 2004

Do you recognize...
Thanks, but it is not. The lines are very similar, but the stern in the waterline is different. Also mine is a bit bigger (8,5 x 3 m)
But it looks like this one.
Thanks and regards,


16 jan. 2004

on dirait
sur la deuxieme photo un ecume de mer dote de la voute du dufour 35 premier modele


16 jan. 2004

do you know this boat????
En tant qu'ancien expert, ce bateau n'est pas un Dufour et ne semble pas avoir été construit dans un chantier français. Peut-être en Italie, en Espagne ou, mais sur, en GB. Ce bateau a plus de 25 ans-30 ans et ne semble pas être un plan d'un architecte français. Cherchez sur d'autres sites du web, y'en a plein.
As a former surveyor, this boat isn't a Dufour or be built in FR. May be in Italy or GB. This boat is more than 25-30 years old and isn't probably due to a french naval architect. Try others sites on the web.There are so much!

on dirait le proton un prototype dufour pour la half-ton cup de l'epoque

17 jan. 2004

no idea+ola gebe
but it have the look of an ecume de mer, how long is this boat? seems to be a 'good sailboat'when I you see the picture...
ola gebe vamos a abrir un HEO para amigos hablando espanol, me gustaria, es un muy bien para nosotros de conocer muchas idiomas para viajar, hasta luego

21 jan. 2004

Merci. Thank you all. Gracias por vuestra colaboración.
Si se parece al ecume de mar pero este es 8,5 m x 3. Del proton no encuentro nada.
Seguiré buscando.
It s like the ecume, but this is bigger, 8,5x3m
I can find info abot the proton. I'll continue searching.


21 jan. 2004

re proton
il me fau drai une photo de l'avant pour voir si c'est bien le proton ,la voute c'est bien ça en tout cas

21 jan. 200416 juin 2020

pour eduardo et pour l'expert serge

21 jan. 2004

Pierre 2 , Cèst a Proton !
Thank you! It is very similar to the Proton.
I am sure it is a prototipe version, may be before designing the one on the picture, may be for a bigger version, but hull lines are the same and deck distribution and interiors. Mine has sorter cabin roof and two beds below the foredeck and a WC (may be not original) at bow, but same details are exactly the same.
The picture of the Recreation is no so similar, but could be. Any details on the left page pictures?



21 jan. 200416 juin 2020

If I understood well you want a picture of the bow. It is all I got now.



21 jan. 200416 juin 2020

j'ai mis le proton 7.30 tout a l'heure maintenant je met le proton 8.75 qui s'appelait recreation je peut encore chercher si tu veux

21 jan. 2004


Ak to Laurent Cordelle ; I am sure he know that boat;
best regards

26 jan. 2004

Pour DOM et Laurent

I tried to contact Laurent without success. May be the address is wrong or he doesn´t undesrtand english or he thinks I am "spam".
Any idea how can I contact him?

Thanks and regards,


22 jan. 2004

Merci DOM.
I sent an e-mail to L.Cordelle with some pictures. I Hope he understands English or Spanish.

best regards


Green Point Lighthouse, Capetown SA

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Green Point Lighthouse, Capetown SA