décès pendant la Morgan cup

18th June 2011
It is with great regret that the Royal Ocean Racing Club has to report a tragic loss of life during the RORC Morgan Cup race from Cowes to Cherbourg. A 46-year-old British sailor lost his life after falling overboard during the race, which started in Cowes at 1900 on Friday night. It is understood that the accident took place approximately 17 miles South East of the Isle of Wight. The Coastguard and Lifeboat services were called to assist the crew who recovered the man but were unable to revive him. The boat returned to port in the UK overnight.

The yacht was one of seventy-two experienced offshore race boats taking part in the race.

Our thoughts and condolences are with the family, who have been informed.

Ian Loffhagen
Racing Manager
Royal Ocean Racing Club

d'après des commentaires sur place à Cherbourg, l'homme aurait eu un harnais trop long et se serait noyé pendant qu'il trainait derrière le bateau.

triste jour

Hubert, de Cherbourg

19 juin 2011
21 juin 2011

Il y a longtemps en Med 2 morts sur un mème bateau: un disparu passé par dessus bord, l'autre noyé suspendu à son harnais.

21 juin 2011

L'homme à la mer est le danger le plus important.
Presque chaque année, lors de régates que je cours, un équipier passe à l'eau, récupéré dans les trois minutes comme cela s'est produit lors du récent Défi des Ports de pêche à Granville.
Pour ma part, j'ai perdu 13 de mes relations en mer depuis 1970 lors de 13 accidents.

21 juin 2011

il serait intéressant de savoir quelles ont été dans chacun des treize cas quelles ont été les causes de l'accident, et comment il aurait été possible d'éviter l'accident.

22 juin 2011

Pour 7 des cas, la solution était le port du harnais, pour deux autres, c'est lié à un mauvais entretien et une évacuation sur un cargo, deux autres sont disparus avec leur voilier. Les deux derniers sont la conséquence d'un problème de santé.

22 juin 2011


J'etais a bord du Reflex 38 "Panther" (sister ship de "Lion") lorsque nous avons entendu le Mayday a la VHF au large de l'ile de wight. Ci-joint le message de notre skipper Neal Kelshaw :

"This weekend’s Morgan Cup race to Cherbourg started with gale warnings in force and conditions of F8 all night (steady 34 knots) and gusts approaching severe gale at 40kn at times during the first half of the crossing.

Sadly, Chris Reddish, the owner of Lion, fell overboard and drowned on Friday as the fleet was passing south of St. Catherine’s point, Isle Of Wight. We heard the man overboard incident on Panther at the time which happened during the worst weather of the whole night, Chris’s body was recovered but pronounced dead at the scene by a qualified doctor who was a member of the crew. I understand that the details of the incident were that Chris was clipped on at the bow when he fell overboard, and despite being tethered when he was recovered had stopped breathing and could not be revived. Lion is currently impounded by the police at Portsmouth to where she was escorted by the Bembridge lifeboat.

Many of our club members have enjoyed racing on Lion and some indeed knew Chris personally. Lion was racing with an 8 – strong crew and this was part of their Fastnet campaign. I have asked Allie Smith at Sailing Logic to pass on our club’s commiserations to his family and friends.

Of the original entrants of 100, 30 did not start, of 70 starters, 40 only finished.
All crew on Panther finished safely, Panther finished 19th Saturday morning, returning Sunday.


Toutes nos pensees vont a Chris et aux membres de sa famille.


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