lu sur ma revue californienne gratuite préférée un petit récit d'un couple américain dans leurs 70 ans qui pont racheté un catana 47 super équipé en asie

frigo 200 l freezer 100 litre, lave linge etc

le bateau porte 8 panneaux solaires de 75 watts !


ils disent que cela couvre tous leurs besoins - american style - au mouillage

20 oct. 2009
20 oct. 2009

bonsoir, on est loin des 10 panneaux
de 10w embarqués sur 33export jugés suffisants pour installer un frigo-congélateur en plus de toute l'électronique du bord engagé dans la course du triangle de l'atlantique en ....76.
çà fait un bail déjà!! et rien que les panneaux pour maintenir les batteries du bord.

ceci est un article de loisir nautic de mai 76 signé...Nicolas Hulot.

que penser de la débauche de puissance sur les bateaux actuels?!!
à croire que nos matériels sont devenus plus énergivores qu'il y a 40 ans ce qui ne va pas dans le bon sens.
100w pour l'un et 600 pour l'autre!

je me contente de mon 10w et il me le rend bien.

20 oct. 2009

Je doute
Y aurait il des lave linge en 12 v efficaces en plus qu'on m'aurait caches
Je suis sur qu'un groupe electrogene est planque quelque part et couvre tous leurs besoins

20 oct. 2009

En effet...
Pas de "vrai" lave linge en 12 volts à ma connaissance, mais par contre un bon convertisseur 12/230 volts entre la batterie et celui-ci, c'est tout à fait banal de nos jours ! ;-)


20 oct. 2009

pourquoi toujours douter
pourquoi mettre en cause la parole d'un coupe de septuagénaires américains adorables, qui n'ont rien à vendre et aventureux aussi quand meme

ils ont fait le convoi pour aden la mer rouge et un cargo a été attaqué à 8 milles de leur bateau, ils ne pouvaient suivre les 10 noeuds du convoi ...

si tu veux lire leur récit, tu dowloades la partie 2 de latitudes 38, c'est dans la partie changes in latitudes[...]eBooks/[...]9-2.pdf

20 oct. 2009

Tout a fait
Mais il faut du costaud pour un lave linge avec chauffage Il faut 3,5 kw mini c'est d'ailleurs l'installation type des Catana Un groupe en 220 pour le lave linge et le dessal et plus si affinite Salut Tilikum On va bientot remonter

20 oct. 2009

extrait du témoignage des proprios de toucan le catana 47
sans les photos

ils ont aussi un générateur mais ne s'en servent qu'en nav quand les panneaux sont insuffisants pour les navs lights auto pilot etc

an '01 Catana 47, which is one
of the best cruising catamarans made.
She has a 200-liter fridge, a 100-liter
freezer, a washing machine, watermaker
and king-sized beds. The eight biminimounted
75-watt solar plates handle
all the power requirements on a daily
basis. We run an engine or generator
only if we're on a long passage and are
using lights, the autopilot and navigation
equipment. With her daggerboards
down, she sails really well to windward
— at least for a catamaran.

Toucan Tango — Catana 47 Cat
Marvin and Ruth Stark
Malaysia to Turkey
When I was 59, my wife Ruth and I
did the '97 Ha-Ha with our F-31 trimaran
Noor. When we got to Cabo, Ruth said, "If
we’re going to do this again, you’d better
get a bigger boat." So three months later
we bought a used Catana 44 in France,
and christened her Chesapeake. During
the next six years, we would sail
her 25,000 miles to San Francisco Bay,
where we sold her in '04. So Latitude, a
fine magazine, is partly responsible for
our laid back lifestyle. By the way, I'm
glad to see that the magazine and the
publisher still have the same attitude.
In '08. at age 71, with my new titanium
hip, Ruth and I decided to make
one more sailing trip. So last year we flew
from Sacramento to the island of Langkawi,
Malaysia, where we bought Toucan
Tango, an '01 Catana 47, which is one
of the best cruising catamarans made.
She has a 200-liter fridge, a 100-liter
freezer, a washing machine, watermaker
and king-sized beds. The eight biminimounted
75-watt solar plates handle
all the power requirements on a daily
basis. We run an engine or generator
only if we're on a long passage and are
using lights, the autopilot and navigation
equipment. With her daggerboards
down, she sails really well to windward
— at least for a catamaran.
We spent our first six months —
meaning the summer of '08 — cruising
Malaysia and Thailand. Summer is the
wet season, so there was lots of rain.
Squalls tested our ground tackle and
anchor a couple of times with winds to
40 knots. The Northeast monsoon winds
started kicking in around December, at
which time the weather became drier,
so we set off on the 1,500-mile passage
across the Andaman Sea to India. It was
great sailing, with mostly light winds and
smooth seas. We even flew the spinnaker
for a couple days. We had a maximum of
22 knots of wind until we rounded the
tip of Sri Lanka. Based on poor reports
from other cruisers, we did not stop at
Sri Lanka.
When you turn the corner at
the tip of Sri Lanka to head 240
miles to the southern tip of India,
you pass through the Gulf of
Mannar, during which time you'd
better damn well be hanging on!
Most boats that passed through
there encountered headwinds to
35 knots and ugly seas. We spent
one day and two nights with triplereefed
everything. We could not sit
at either steering station without
getting a fire hose shower from
every second wave. We huddled
in the cockpit behind the cabin,
clutching the remote control
for the autopilot. Toucan Tango
bashed, smashed, crashed, twisted
and torqued through the mess. But
boats sure are tougher than humans. A
smaller Leopard catamaran lost her entire
bow tramp during the maelstrom.
When you reach the southwest tip of
India, you have it made. We had smooth
sailing the rest of the way into Cochin.
Our clearance was handled at Willingdon
Island next to the Taj Malabar Hotel,
after which we were directed to anchor
in the river near Bolgatty Island. Water
was available at the island for a small
fee by jerry can, and we could get Wifi
— but at a high fee.
The Indian people were friendly, and
the women wear beautiful saris. The
Indians have a way of moving their head
sideways back and forth when you ask
a question, such that you don’t know
if their answer is yes or no. If you ask
the tuk-tuk driver, "Do you know where
Kingfisher Airline office is?”, all you get
is a wobbling head, no matter how many
times you ask. It can mean yes or no. If
you get into the wholesale district of the
rest of the trip, dying down to very little
wind near Salalah. Checking into Oman
is easy, and all done at the commercial
port while one's boat is at anchor. There
is good shopping and provisioning in
Oman, although no alcohol or pork.
Oman has oil, so it's neither poor nor
backward. We rented a car at the port
and looked around
for a few days.
The 600-mi le
stretch of ocean
from Salalah to
Aden is considered
Pirate Alley,
and is where Somali
pirates have
captured several
ships and ransomed
their crews
and contents. The
coalition forces,
made up of several
nations, now have
20 warships patrolling
this area.
Some have helicopters. They have established
a two-day, 5-mile wide transit
corridor about 60 miles offshore. Ships
are requested to transit this area in
convoys, and to move at a speed of at
least 10 knots. We cruise at six knots,
so we sailed. We talked to the warships
two or three times on VHF, and had two
helicopter flyovers. We also had the spinnaker
up the last day and were making
five knots when a helicopter asked if
we couldn’t go any faster. At one time a
ship just eight miles from our position
reported being attacked by pirates. Two
hours later, he reported that he had successfully
repelled the pirates with high
pressure fire hoses by motoring at flank
speed. Repelling AK-47 rifles and rocket
launchers with fire hoses?
After arriving safe in Aden, we anchored
in the bay for almost a month in
order to tour inland. This was an important
place to set our anchor well because
it blew a lot. The highlight of the stay
was a three-day trip up into the mountains
to the ancient Yemen capital city
of Sana’a. What a spectacular city full of
friendly people! There are narrow streets
with shops selling local handicrafts and
clothes, and numerous restaurants and
food stalls. We stayed in a 2,000-year-old
hotel that had small wooden doors and
uneven walls. The new Lulu’s shopping
mall in Aden has everything — except,
once again, alcohol and pork — that you
might need for provisioning, and at a fair
price. We really got hooked on the delicious
baklava, which is a pastry made
with honey and pistachios. Everywhere
we went, the people were friendly. Seeing
we were Americans, many would say,
"Obama OK."
We headed for the Red Sea in early
March. As we rounded the straits of Bab
Al Mendeb — Gate of Tears — the wind
picked up to 35 knots. We triple-reefed
both sails, and made a solid 10 -12 knots
flying downwind. Yahoo! We had planned
to anchor in a bay in southern Eritrea,
but we passed it, as we were sailing so
fast that we wanted to keep going. The
wind slowly dropped, and so the next
night we anchored in a very nice bay
with warm, clear water. When transiting
the Red Sea, it's easy to stop and anchor
every night.
Fishing in the southern Red Sea is
spectacular, and we caught fish almost
at will. We landed three large fish one
day, and ate fish for breakfast, lunch
and dinner. But caution, you will lose
all your tackle rated at less than 100
pounds. The winds in the southern Red
Sea tend to blow from the south. It gets
light halfway up the sea, and becomes
increasingly strong from the north as
you get farther north.
If you're patient and
don’t mind tacking,
you can sail almost the
entire way. We did.
We eventually cleared
into Eritrea at Massawa,
side-tying to the
concrete wall at the
commercial port. It had
excellent security and
water, but no power.
We made a two-day
bus trip up to the capital
city of Asmara. You
ride five hours through
the desert and desolate
countryside, then eventually up a windy
mountain road that takes you up to
over 7,000 feet. The city of Asmara is
like being transported to an Italian city,
complete with sidewalk cafes and pizza
restaurants that serve beer. The outdoor
central market requires a least a full day
to appreciate. There is great leather work
and other handicrafts.
(To be continued next month.)
— marvin 09/15/09

21 oct. 2009

au mouillage ils ont seulement besoin des panneaux
pas en nav, c'est déjà pas si mal
mais ok ils sne sont pas aussi vertueux que je le croyais apres une lecture rapide

20 oct. 2009

Plus de doute
Si j'ai bien compris ils font comme presque tout le monde

We run an engine or generator
only if we're on a long passage and are
using lights, the autopilot and navigation
equipment. With her daggerboards
down, she sails really well to windward
— at least for a catamaran.

et c'est aussi vrai qu'on remonte bien au pres
J'ai 4 X 120 W et 1000 AH en stock mais comme eux je dois aussi faire tourner les moteurs ou le groupe de temps en temps surtout pour le lave linge et le dessal qui sont en 220 V
Bon vent Roland

20 oct. 2009

j'ai 6 X 90 W, divises en 2 secteurs ce qui fait 270 par coque, mes consommateurs sont repartis de la meme maniere. le cote du frigo suffit juste lorsque le temps est gris, et ne pas a compenser si le temps est gris ...sombre! :-)

21 oct. 2009

pourquoi un lave linge
avec le lave vaisselle (indispensable) c'est la manière la plus stupide de gaspiller de l'électricité .

En plus pour faire fonctionner un lave linge, il faut le tuyau d'eau douce raccordé au quai sinon la soupline ne fera pas son effet .

C'est bien connu, en bateau on ne se salit pas à moins d'être un transpirateur précoce ou, tout simplement, un gros cochon .

Les gros cochons n'ont qu'a se débrouiller tout seuls si ils puent .

21 oct. 2009

Pourquoi un lave linge... ?
Juste du confort perso, mais pour l'anecdote je me souviens de la réflexion d'un terrien qui découvrait que nous vivions sur un bateau :

[i]"Vous ne sentez pas le moisi comme les autres gens de bateau" ![/i]

Sans commentaires ! :-D


21 oct. 2009

je n'ai pas de lave linge Alien! D'ailleurs j'en porte si peu:cheri:

24 oct. 2009

lave linge crois deviner que tu n'as jamais vécu sur un bateau sur du long terme et avec des gosses à bord!! sinon tu ne décrierait pas le fameux lave linge !!! je peux t'assurer que c'est le souhait de tout navigateur au long cours avec sa petite famille à bord...personnellement je ne compte plus les fois ou j'ai rêvé d'en posséder un quand je lavais les fringues et les couches tissu de mon môme!!! :-)

2015-08-02 - Entre Canna  et Tobermory (Ecosse)

Phare du monde

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2015-08-02 - Entre Canna et Tobermory (Ecosse)